I have just finished Brida today and it brought me bittersweet thoughts. I know that the story is fictional but I can't help but also believe in that things such as Soul Mates really exist. It somehow gave me hope or maybe another excuse (hahahaha) to believe that there will reall come a time that I'll be able to meet that person who was "once part of me-- we were part of each other in the past". It actually brought back feeling in the most recent past that I am slowly letting go of. I'd like to think that I'm like The Magus, and like Brida in The Magus' life, he is my Soul mate. I will say this over and over again, that we are really comfortable with each other, that even before, even without the romantic feelings, I feel safe around him as he was with me. It felt like we've known each other from the start. During the short time, I experienced happiness like nobody ever made me feel. I guess every person in our lives bring us happiness like no other... But his was special, and in our case, maybe it just had to end like it. Like Brida, he has his Lorens in his life and I can't compete with that because HE LOVES HER, and being wonderfully at ease with each other or knowing that WE HAVE THE SAME PATH isn't gonna stand against love.
Since I've let go, I know I've received a lot more blessings. A friend told me, "You had to let go of the "good" so you could receive the BETTER." Indeed, this is true. I actually promised myself (in prayer) last week at the LIFE Conference that I'm never gonna think about it again... But I realized it's inevitable. It was once part of my life. he was once part of my life. I wouldn't have found myself again if it weren't for everything that happened. I wouldn't have been coming back fully and truthfully to God if it weren't for the things that happened. So it will always and forever be a part of me; of what I have been, what I am now, and what I WILL BE.
"People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in the field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds of the horizon..
...That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that is why I will never lose you. You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during the moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith." - The Magus, Brida