I was hurt.
I was broken.
You broke my heart. You broke our significant relationship. You broke me.
Of all people, I didn't expect this to come from you. It hurts to know that you think I'm doing things for a reason-- for me to have a better spot in the world that we're in. You know what, as a matter of fact, I don't need that...because honestly, I am at a better spot, if not the best, than most people, so I don't need to do what you think I'm doing.
At first, I wanted to explain my side. I wanted to show you that I'm not who you think I am. I wanted to explain the reasons for all my actions that night or for whatever time it occured. But somewhere in my mind, I thought, I don't need to explain anything to you... Since months ago, I decided not to care about what people might say about me... with that thought I became more free-- I had all the freedom to be who I am... And I'm not gonna change myself for you if you think I'm a bad person, and I'm not gonna explain either. I'll just let you think who you think I am. Anyway, I know I can't please everybody... And I'll be out of your life soon enough... Just be patient... In about nine months, I'll be out of your life. For good.
I cried a lot last night, thinking and reflecting and recounting the things that I said to make you say that... Feeling ko ang sama ko na... You made me feel like I'm a bad person... You almost made me lose faith in myself... But then I realized I've given myself valid justifications for most if not all the things you said I did. And with that... I don't care what you say about me.
I thought you were one of the people who could truly understand me... Maybe... I thought wrong. Good thing there are more people who believes in me still.