I don't want to pity myself but I simply just can't help it you know? I refuse to think that I'm not good enough for anybody... But I'm starting to think that I am (again, for the millionth time).
And another thing that bothers me is the thought that maybe, I don't deserve to be happy, afterall. Hello KARMA! Maybe it's payback time now for me.
I hope I have enough things to do so that I wouldn't be able to feel this way... But I don't. My bosses are out (of town, work related of course), and all I'm doing here is either read Lauren Weisberger's The Devil Wears Prada (which happens to be a fun novel to read, though I feel like I'm never gonna ba able to finish at all, 'coz I feel like it's so long!)-- which made me feel sleepy, or play the demo games at the computer here, or open my multiply account (although I'm not updating it, I'm always not in the mood to do that). But nothing can really get my head off these issues in my mind. Yesterday was fine coz I was really busy because we had a technical dress rehearsal for LPEP day 1 which actually ended at around 9:30PM.. After which some of us proceeded to Sinangag Express (SEX) to eat, (coz i haven't eaten all day, except for the oatmeal earlier in the morning).. I got home 11:30 already and it's really really tiring because our LPEP perfoemances (Innersoul's and the Finale) required dancing, which, I really love. :)
But still, it's different today.
Love, why don't you come my way?

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