12:11 AM
We had the right love at the wrong time...I'm actually here at a churchmate's workplace, we went straight here after the "supposed to be recording". It's a Japanese Club (now now, don't judge, you don't know what it looks like, it's not a bad environment, I've seen it firsthand), and I'm staying inside the Tech Booth right now, while the Japanese customers dance with their CCA (they're not called GRO anymore; and they look decent and presentable actually, nothing really slutty) while waiting for him to finish talking to the Manager that evening.
I guess I always knew inside, I couldn't have you for a long time...The "supposed to be" recording at 5:00PM actually really started at 6:00PM, and we weren't actually able to record anything; it basically consisted of just rehearsals, for both me and Kuya.
And if they're calling you away, I have no right to make you stay...I'm going to a friend/ex-colleague's play this Saturday and I'm so excited. Partly because I'll get to see our other friends, and partly because I'm so thrilled with him embarking on a "new journey" like this, like me. I have known in the past that this was what he really wanted; and I'm so glad that he;s able to fulfill all his dreams; I know he'll surely go a long way-- with those looks and talent, it's UNDENIABLE. He's even starting it big, being an alternate to a famous teen singer and theater actor. I'm a proud friend. KUDOS TO YOU! =)
Somewhere down the road, our roads are gonna cross again, it doesn't really matter when...Cel got her Mac already!! I'm so happy for her and looking forward to recording maybe even a song or two before I go. :) And moreover, I'm excited to have a Mac myself! December (or earlier) please? :D
Letting go is just another way to say I'll always love you so...