You are not alone in feeling sad that I'll be gone soon, that I'll be missing this brand new friendship that we have, that I won't be hearing much from you in a few weeks' time... and all that (I can go on and on, but there's just a lot, others not meant to be seen by others *wink* haha). But all I want you to know is that, during that short time, you've made me feel welcomed, you've opened the door to meeting new people and being more at ease in the environment that we are in; being more at ease with you. I think I have never met a girl that I've easily trusted with everything, and I guess, in times like these that I don't have anything to talk to, it's nice to know that I have you whenever, almost 24/7. Haha!
For what it's worth, I'd like to thank you, for the wonderful last few months before embarking on a new journey. We'll know soon enough why we are placed by God in each others' lives, so don't think too much haha! You know that I love you and I know that you love me more than you hate me for leaving.

P.S. I know you'll be reading this soon enough. TELL ME WHEN YOU DO OKAY? :)
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