So, we spent the whole morning (actually until the afternoon), following the Cory-related events, starting from the Necrological Mass (the singers, I can say, were the best! Everything was soooo solemn and songs sent "shivers down my spine" hahahaha), up until the very looooooong travel from the Manila Cathedral to Manila Memorial (I wasn't able to finish because I had Godly errands that night =p). Particularly, during the Homily, where all the good deeds and traits of Cory were mentioned did I realize how much of a great person she is, how big her part in the "freedom" of our country from the dictatorship of President Marcos for more than a decade. Albeit the fact that she was only a housewife, and only knew then how to lead the household and her kids living a simple life, she gave up all of that to fight for a long-suffering country and succeeded. To make the long story short, she's a LEGEND. With her death, not only did we lose a former President, but we also lost a mother and a friend.
On another note (and a very different one), I'm very excited for next week's Revealed Unlimited Service. Well but of course, I'm always excited but this one's diffrent because I'm assigned to sing contemporary songs in the lobby where people are waiting for the service to begin. :) I'm just so excited. I would want to share my repertoire for next week (Jill helped me with this, thanks pwet :) ), but I want it to be a surprise. So, if you wanna watch me and LEARN THE WORD OF GOD afterwards, join us, at #2 Don Manolo Avenue, Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa this Wednesday August 13, 2009, 7:00 (if you want to watch me haha), 7:30 (is the main service). It's only 'til 9:00PM, you won't even realize it's done because it's so much fun!Revealed is open to youth and young adults ages 16 and up. :) See you there!

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