10:00AM: Going to that auditions was a FIRST. I never auditioned for anything this big before, because my parents wanted me to concentrate (then) on my studies, and I was still young then to force what I want right? Haha! Anyway, at first it really felt awkward because it seemed like the people knew each other, perhaps, they've been on the same theater workshop over the summer, or they are the same ones who auditioned last week at Universal Studios, or they just knew each other because they auditioned last year. It's not that I'm alone, I'm with a couple of friends actually, but they also knew the people because of the auditions last week. So I'm the "new girl" to say the least. There were a lot of people, we're over a hundred in number!
I was kinda nervous when while we were waiting, because I wasn't able to vocalize, and I haven't rehearsed my song with live music (I only practised on the minus ones I got from the internet, but the audition would entail singing with a live pianist so, it is still kind of different), and.. yeah I'm a newbie and I don't know anything about the process and stuff, and I'm the kind of person who kinda hates not knowing, so there. But before we went in, I was able to kind of fully rehearse my songs about 4-5 times, but I was still not that confident.
I came in the audition room, saw 2 judges (both American, a guy and a girl) and a pianist, who, from what I've heard, is the Musical Director of Disneyland Hongkong himself (WOW). I sang my first song, Love You I Do (Dreamgirls), but the guy judge (I can only assume) didn't like the song (did not let me finish the whole 16 bars), and asked for my second song, which was Reflections (Mulan). I sang it first time, Pop version (Chirstina Aguilera's), so I sang the first line quite softly then he let me repeat it again belting it out. Then after singing the first time they said, "We'll see you at 3PM for the next round." AMAZING RIGHT? HAHAHA well I'm quite amazed because I thought the guy judge didn't like me (because he wasn't smiling!). I guess, if God really wanted it to happen, it will, no matter what the circumstances are.
3:00 PM Round 2 Auditions: We were taught a Disney song (Son of Man, Tarzan) and was tasked to sing it individually (while they videotape it). To make the long story short, I got in the second round! Truly, God's grace is abounding towards all of us who got in. :)
Right after the cut, we were asked to go inside the audition room (during that time, we were only maybe about 12 then (?), 4 guys 6 girls, inclusing Red and I) and learn a routine from Highschool Musical (YEY!) entitled "What Time Is It". Dancing actually felt really really GOOD! It felt like, I was really meant to do this, I was really meant to rock this! HAHAHAHA! No but seriously, I really felt at home. :) So there, after we learned the routine we were asked to perform it while they videotape it. We waited a couple of minutes outside the studio then they asked one guy (I'm so sorry I forgot your name! I'm bad with names!) to come in the studio again, and I think we heard him sing a piece from Mulan, so we thought they're looking for a male lead for Mulan. Then the remaining guys were asked to come inside and we heard them sing a song from Highschool Musical (YEY AGAIN HAHA!), then we girls were up next and we were just asked to hit a certain note in HSM's We're All In This Together (Gosh, I didn't know the song by heart, so everybody's adlibbing and I just went with the flow..I just hope that won't mess up my chances, will it?)
After a few minutes again, they told us to expect a call soon (for they really have spots ofpen for Disneyland Hongkong) maybe 2 weeks time, if we made it or not.
Then we left na. Hehe!
So now, I have to bear the agony... No, I won't use the terms "bear the agony" for this.. I have to just wait and be hopeful that things turn out well. :) God's will above all else. :)
P.S. Auditioning was fun! I had an awesome experience :)

mommy! im so proud of you! i know you'll make it! though im still a bit lost on what you auditioned for.. hehe c u soon! i miss you!
as a vocalist/theater actor in Disneyland Hongkon, yung nsa mga shows nila :)
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