But why now? I really can't understand.
For the record I wasn't trying to make you look bad. If anything, I was protecting you and defending you. When everyone tells me it's not healthy anymore and all that, and that you're such a jackass and a loser, I THOUGHT OTHERWISE. So don't come telling anybody that I tore your image down (or something like that). And that you're hurt. Okay, fine, you're hurt and yeah it's my fault. But didn't you ever realize that I ALSO WAS HURT BY ALL THESE? Do you know that there were months I spent thinking about you everyday without fail? That I cry over "what could have beens", that includes "What if I didn't went into this 'relationship'?", because if it weren't for what happened, maybe we'd still be the good friends that we were waaaay back, and maybe you'll still be "the ex-fling of my close friend" and not "MY ex-fling".. and maybe I wouldn't have fallen in love with you and got hurt because YOU DON'T FEEL THE SAME.

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