With barely 2 weeks before the finals, a week before some deadlines, I think I'm gonna be spending days and days of sleepless nights, doing papers in two subjects.. FINQUAM, and BUSIPOL. Okay, konti lang yan compared to the other people who has 6 subjects and 6 papers all at the same time. I'm just glad, underload na ako ngayon, I'll only be taking 12 units until I finish school, probably because I already took some floating subjects when I was fixing my shifting papers.
But hello?! FINQUAM is hard. At least for me. Well, I can't concentrate of reading those articles and getting to finish it to start making summaries and finally the synthesis. Me and my partner still have 3 articles to go plus the synthesis nga. I just hope I'll be able to find the ULTIMATE INSPIRATION [Okay, let me clear this, it doesn't have to be SOMEONE, just, some.. whatever that could be a source of joy and everything. hahaha I'm so weird.].
I don't have class today because the school cancelled the afternoon and evening classes so I'll be spending the next few days of Holy Week here at home, bumming.. AND DOING MY PAPERS!
The term is about to end! And I'm about to undergo my OJT... I honestly don't know what to expect. I think I'll be working at the Department of Finance or the BSP, which is good because I'll be having a busy time juggling my OJT duties and rehearsals and performances at school for the upcoming LPEP again, and it's better that it's just near school! New Freshmen again! I'm excited although I havent't heard the song that we're gonna sing..
Oooops! Before the OJT I'll ba having a Leadership Training and Teambuilding Seminar [2 days at school and an overnight in I don't know where yet] in preparation for being an Executive Board in Innersoul. I'm actually excited!
Nakikini-kinita ko na na I won't have time for a vacation talaga.. On my last summer vacation ng college.
I'll just have to maximize the time that I'm gonna have, if ever there will be.

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